Research Assistant job description

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Research assistants must be meticulous in their duties of collecting, analysing and compiling data, preparing reports and maintaining records. They are often responsible for carrying out clerical work, administrative functions and support tasks. They may also assist with the publication of their employer’s results
The position is required in various environments. Some work, for example, in engineering firms and track traffic, while others may work in laboratories with chemicals. A person in this position may be working for a big organisation and compiling competitor information, scientific research or market research
These workers support their superiors by compiling research materials like business dossiers and periodicals, carrying out administrative tasks and maintaining research database. In educational and scientific environments, assistants support the academic experts and scientists, perform administrative tasks and coordinate studies
Candidates are expected to possess a Bachelors degree within a study field relating to the industry they work in. The average salary for a research assistant in the UK is £25,705.


Research assistants carry out research projects by collecting, gathering, and summarizing information. They usually work in laboratories or medical facilities, but they also have a job placement in almost every industry that needs researches, including mass media and universities. Research assistants can also assist experiments related to medicine and pharmaceutical industry.

A Research assistant usually performs some of the following tasks:
• Keeping accurate records of experiments and investigations.
• Collecting samples.
• Designing new methods to improve products.
• Testing materials.
• Supervising technicians and other members of the team.


• Being confidential.
• Having listening abilities.
• Having technical understanding.
• Being able to plan strategically.
• Having excellent spoken and written communication.
• Having special attention for details.
• Being organised.
• Being intuitive.
• Being able to work with a team.
• Having cultural awareness.


For Research assistant area is recommended to have a strong academic background with undergraduate degree at 2:1 or 1st level from a top 10 university, as a minimum. It is also recommendable to have a relevant degree for the specific area of investigation. A good choice to have a good job placement is to have a post graduate degree related to this area.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for research assistant.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for research assistant.