Test Manager job description

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The job of test manager is found in all manufacturing sectors and especially in IT. It involves maintaining the test team and ensuring product and quality control is up to standard.
Key duties are the coordination of all testing activities during every stage of the test process, as well as coordination with senior executives on testing projects and strategies. Authoritative guidance and advice to the test team is an important aspect of the job, as is advising on the practicality of the project
Skills required by employers include the ability to coordinate teams, multitasking, executive leadership and communication as well as presentation skills. Good stress management in this time-dependent job is a necessity, as is dynamism and self-motivation.
Required qualifications include ISTQB or ISEB certification, with Bachelors or Masters degrees in mathematics, engineering or science giving good chances for advancement. Applicants with higher qualifications or relevant experience are more likely to be selected for this demanding position
Salaries, dependent on the size and sector of the company, are at a good level, with £60,000 to £65,000 on average.


Managing test teams, and their testing functions is the responsibility of a Test Manager. They may recruit, hire and train staff to work on teams that prepare tests plans. These teams will follow and ensure that standards, like ISO9000, are being followed. They provide training and job shadowing opportunities for their staff; this allows productivity and the work quality to improve. Test Managers also conduct risk assessment, risk management, quality assurance functions, writing reports and scheduling.

A Test Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:

• Conducting performance reviews
• Maintaining and improving testing roles
 Facilitating development
• Evaluating training and development needs
• Managing tests
• Minimizing budget expenditure on tests
• Developing testing strategies
• Setting up schedules
• Documenting tests findings
• Supervising test teams


• QA and Testing
• Meeting project deadlines
• Coordinating people and teams
• Multitasking
• Executing effective leadership
• Negotiating and networking
• Communicating in both a written and verbal form
• Being dynamic and self motivated
• Handling work stress
• Conducting teambuilding activities
• Being persistent and resilient
• Achieving set objectives
• Working in a diverse environment
• Presentation and listening


Test Managers can access qualifications from several bodies. These may include the:

•    ISTQB
•    ISEB

Attaining traditional educational pursuits such as an Associate, Bachelors and Masters Degrees is also acceptable. These prepare Test Managers with the necessary knowledge and skills in areas such as science, mathematics and engineering to conduct their jobs successfully. The higher the degree or qualification, the better the job prospects and hopes for career advancement.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for test manager.

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