Part Time Admin job description

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Part time administrators are involved in the back-end operations of a company but are often essential to their smooth running. They play a vital role in ensuring that all of the departments within a company are well supported and operate efficiently, allowing for the company to operate effectively. Part rime admin staff usually work on an ad hoc basis, providing support companies for several days per week.
Part time admin staff may find that some of their tasks include filling out and filing paperwork. Admin staff may also find themselves dealing with various odds and ends that the company may need for its completion to ensure that the office runs efficiently, such as photocopying, opening mail and answering the phones.
While qualifications are not specifically required for the role, desirable skills include the ability to adapt and to use initiative. These individuals are generally paid on a per-hour basis and have basic skills in both English and mathematics. Salaries depend on hours worked but usually hover around £10 an hour.


People who do not want to work in a full time capacity in administration can work as Part time Administrators. These administrators fill several positions across the administrative industry. They operate as office managers, clerks, or secretaries. Offering support to managers, teams and employees comprises their responsibilities.
Working hours are dependent on either their availability or the company’s needs. Employers sometimes dictate when Part time Administrators should work. In addition, if big projects or emergencies occur then their schedules may alter. Salaries for this position vary and as a part time employee, you may not be eligible for benefits. Some companies may offer health care benefits.
A Part-time Administrator usually performs any of the following tasks:
• Restocking
• Filing
• Typing
• Handling calls
• Setting up appointments
• Data entry


• Being analytical
• Being proactive
• Customer service
• Being punctual and driven
• Working with a team
• Being logical and consistent
• Using Microsoft applications
• Being adaptive
• Prioritising tasks
• Communicating
• Interpersonal relations


Employers expect people who work in this part time position to have at least GCSE qualifications. This must include English language and Mathematics. Part time Administrators should have skills in typing, filing, answering phones, and operating office equipment. Often, people who are still pursuing their studies will work in this position to gain work experience.

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