Photography job description

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Photography is immensely important as a global medium and there are numerous positions associated with the field, including technicians, assistants, teachers, lecturers, editors, sales agents and of course, photographers. Moreover, there are numerous areas of specialisation for those in the field; photographers work in many industries including fashion, forensics, weddings, journalism and science, among others
Those looking for work in this sector must be trained and fully knowledgeable in the technical aspects of photography and must be able to meet deadlines, multi-task, manage oneself and communicate effectively. Most positions require knowledge not only of the interworkings of a camera and photography techniques, but also in rapidly advancing editing software. Training is commonly undergone via a university in the form of a bachelor’s in fine arts with emphasis in photography
Salaries for job holders in this field in the UK are around £23,000 per annum, though figures rise significantly, by as much as 30 per cent, for positions in Greater London.


Photography is the area where photographers create permanent visual images by taking pictures of people, landscapes, and animals for non commercial or commercial uses in websites, magazines, newspapers, etc. People working on this sector may also work in projects involving nature, fashion, scientific records, food, archive projects, crime scenes, family portraits, among many other fields.

Photography professionals usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Preparing locations for photography.
• Taking pictures.
• Managing post production.
• Running a business.
• Selecting appropriate lenses and accessories.


• Being creative.
• Having interpersonal abilities.
• Being patient.
• Having knowledge about safety requirements.
• Being motivated and self confident.
• Having high attention to details such as colours, shapes, tones, etc.
• Being able to understand customer´s needs.
• Having IT skills.
• Being able to work alone or with a team.
• Having good communication skills.


Photography posts require an academic qualification related to the same area in order to obtain technical practice and understanding of this business. There are different degrees for this area including university degrees, BTEC Higher National Diplomas, City & Guilds certificates, foundation courses, among others. These courses require candidates with relevant GCSE’s and A levels and involves photography in general, photographic processing, vocational photography, among other related subjects.

Other suitable qualification for this industry is the Professional Qualifying Examination offered by the British Institute of Professional Photography, because it is well respected in this area and offers networking opportunities.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for photography.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for photography.

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