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  • PE Last updated by Mia: 21-Jul-2017

    I’m a sport lover and have been practising sport since a very early age. I’ve done my teacher training specialising in PE. Has anybody been able to combine their teaching with a professional career in sports?

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    • I did combine both things for 4 or 5 years, though it’s tough because times sometimes coincide and you find yourself juggling job, sports and family life and it’s not always simple because sometimes it’s not even up to you. I must say that I loved every minute of it, despite the stress that it sometimes meant.

      19-Jul-2017 Reply to Donald
      • I managed to keep both going for little over a year, then I had to give up, I couldn’t combine both and family.

        20-Jul-2017 Reply to Caroline
        • I’d say it may be a bit difficult to combine both, especially with a family. I don’t have a family yet, and maybe my best bet at the moment is to go for my career in sports.

          20-Jul-2017 Reply to Mia
          • Why not secure a place in teaching first? In the long run this is what’ll keep you going…

    • I know, but a career in sports has a by date, and teaching will always be available, kinda. I ‘ve been thinking a bit more about it and having experience in the world of professional sport will also give me a head start in the long run, so I wouldn’t like to give it up now, after all the effort I’ve put into it over the years.

      21-Jul-2017 Reply to Mia
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