Waste Management job description

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Working in waste management is an important role in any community as the job ensures the safe disposal of contaminated waste and hazardous materials which have been created by households, factories, businesses, productions or manufacturing plants
The sector primarily deals with identifying and then eliminating waste from the community. The materials’ contents must be analysed and then a cost-effective method needs to be put in place to ensure the disposal is environmentally sound. Systems must be created and implemented in order to reduce waste by incineration, solidification or compaction
It is important to understand the regulations involved when working in waste management. If you’re in a management role, it is necessary to possess skills in analysing eradication and carcinogens methods. Communication skills are also important for liaising with local agencies to be able to identify and solve present and future issues
For those looking to fill a management position, a degree in nuclear engineering, waste management or a related area is required. It is also preferred to have experience working in a hazardous waste testing environment or a waste management facility.


Waste management officers are required to manage waste disposal and recycling facilities. They are also responsible for street cleaning and waste treatment operations. Some of these officers work in both recycling and management functions and other just dedicate their efforts to one category. They can work for a district waste collection or a county waste disposal authority.

A waste management officer usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Analysing statistics on waste levels.
• Managing waste collection contracts.
• Advising companies on waste reduction.
• Calculating budgets.
• Monitoring service of local waste collection.


• Having competent general office and IT abilities.
• Being a leader.
• Having effective communication.
• Being able to clearly explain legislation issues.
• Having knowledge and interest for environmental issues.
• Having competent understanding of statistics and budgets.
• Being able to create reports.
• Being patient.
• Having abilities to understand dynamic and complex legislation.
• Having teamwork skills.


It is recommended to have a degree in waste management or similar studies to apply to these job placements. Other options of courses are environmental science, biochemical science, chemical and physical sciences, earth sciences, among others.

Some people move to this sector after working in industries such as construction and quarrying. Other cases show that some professionals specialized from wider environmental areas to waste management.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for waste management.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for waste management.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for waste management.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for waste management.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for waste management.

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