Career Advisor job description

Guiding young students or persons towards making an informed career decision is the responsibility of a Career Advisor. Many advisors work in junior, primary, secondary and tertiary educational institutions. After conducting interview sessions with their clients they are better able to assist them. They support young people in understanding what their values, skills or abilities are and what career suits them best. They do this through providing information and administering various professional tests.
A Career Advisor usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Providing a recruitment service
• Researching occupations
• Producing information
•  Using computer guidance software
• Administering psychometric tests
•  Tracking recent developments
• Developing working relationships

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• Counselling
• Information technology
• Being flexible, patient and understanding
• Skills assessment
• Networking
• Administration and organisation
• Being discrete and professional
• Time management
• First rate listening skills
• Stress management
• Liaising with relevant authorities
• Being committed and thorough
• Problem solving

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Being a Career Advisor demands a high level of professionalism and competence. These professionals are relied on for their expertise in guiding people and hence they must have knowledge of a wide variety of industry and professional areas. Some employers offer potential advisors the opportunity to shadow and work as interns with more experienced advisors. There are several certifications that are acceptable. They include NVQ/SVQ, QCG, HND, and CPD.
Career Advisors may study a number of areas. They include Psychology, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Work, Counselling, Teaching and Youth Work. Those with Postgraduate, Bachelors and Masters Degrees have access to more opportunities. To be prepared for this position, advisors must go through background checks as well as psychological evaluations. Persons looking to work in Schools and Colleges should network with professional associations and bodies as this increases the information, resources and professional assistance they will have.

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