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  • Job Applications/ Age Discrimination Several applications later with a couple of rejections more non replies if anything.
    One agency (out of many) contacted me as my cv had really impressed her, she was responsible to fill vacancies in the public sector. Was sent a form to fill in which included my dob...never heard from her again.
    Applied for a part time job that I had all the experience,was on my doorstep. This time the lady concerned did send me a rejection once again I feel it's age again,as I felt I was everything they wanted at least she contacted me.
    I have found when people try to help or speak for you, you end up worse off. I have been dealing with 3 lovely ladies to do with non profit making concern vacancy,1 especially was going to help me get sorted did email her never to be heard from again.
    I applied for a part time vacancy with a different agency I had all the attributes they required.They rang me asked me to go on the Monday to register as you have to do this before you can be considered for any vacancy and the vacancy was to start immediately.My friend and I went to the offfice on the Monday in pouring rainonly to be told "oh that job has been filled"thank you so much for that just what I needed.
    Angencies ask where you would like to work/where you would consider travelling to ..... and then offer you assignments miles away from where you have stated.
    I applied for the world famous supermarket I mentioned in my last post only once again unable to get into their questions and answers page once so once again a rejection email. There is no way to contact them to explain. Another world wide supermarket chain hasn't answered my application and I had to sent proof of passport etc.
    Yet another famous supermarket vacancy 8 hours over 2 days once again had the experience and personality they wanted a rejection email but at least they let me know.
    I keep getting told my cv is very good.......so why haven't I got a job.
    I turned to agencies as I was having no luck on my own however I am no better off, worse off really because after they contact me ( while I try not to ) I get all excited re getting a job only to be doubly disappointed and upset.
    I really do feel there is discrimination and that equal opportunities employers are just words written on paper a figment of someone's imagination
    Eileen Willey
    • Jeanette:
      Eileen: Although agencies say they do not discriminate, unfortunately it is out of their hands. Even if your CV goes across you would not have to be Einstein to roughly work out an age of a person by simply adding up the years of experience and adding to a school leaving age. Some websites ask for your age and you cannot get past that so you have no choice to put it in. It is sad that the working world seem to think that mature candidates don't have the ability and sometimes it is about pay as well. All you can do it keep knocking on doors and hope someone will open one for you. Have you tried the NHS. They take mature candidates, or try an agency for mature people there are a few around. How about schools they seemed to need administrators a lot...although the pay will be dismal like the NHS.
    See Forum
  • part time and times I’m working part time as a shop assistant and would like to take on another part time job as office administrator. As a shop assistant I have a starting time and a closing time, but in an office I fear I may find myself not going home on time with the usual last minute issues. Has anybody any experience with this?
    • Nina:
      I’m afraid that this is pretty much the case with part time office jobs. The fact is that if you don’t deal with last minute issues, at best you’ll find them waiting for you the following day and then you have a bigger queue of issues for the day. That’s not always possible though because sometimes those issues are urgent and have to be dealt with on the spot…
      • Sue:
        In my opinion it depends, and I think it’s a question of attitude. If you’re working part time and your time is up, it’s your time to leave and tomorrow will be another day.
        • Andy:
          I see what you mean, but there’s also the question of commitment with your company, isn’t there? In the end of the day this is what can sometimes make the difference between you and somebody else.
          • Sue:
            Well, if what you’re worried about is the possibility of losing your job to someone who’s ready to spend longer hours at it or is ready to sacrifice more for it or to compromise personal life for the sake of a multinational, then you’ve got to make sure that that is not the only difference, you’ve got to make sure that you’re notably better, this should be your asset.
    • Andy:
      Again, fair enough, though I must say that it’s not as black and white or as simple.
    See Forum