6,287 Social Worker Jobs

Some Valuable Facts about Social worker jobs

To apply for a job, what are you waiting for? There are many job seekers interested in the vacances of Social worker: nearly 43% of our users in the Social and Civil Services sector are looking for the same as you.

Are you ready for the hunt? Here is your choice: 7,456 jobs related to your search. You can also see the labour market evolution, since there are 6,563 offers that have been published in the last 7 days and there are other 17,368 open nominations in the last month that you really shouldn’t miss!

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Forum Social Worker

  • Coping I've been a social worker for a couple of years. I just recently lost my job and just shortly before that one of the people I help passed away (first time I'm faced by this): I was devastated, and I still am, I don't really know very well how to cope. I keep telling myself that with experience I'll also get resilience, but I don't know how to change that theory that I understand intellectually, into a reality...
    • Kerri:
      It's tough, nobody said it wasn't going to be, but don't worry, many of us have been there and have come out the other end relatively ok. In fact most of us end up developing strategies that help us beyond just coping. One that has helped me particularly is focusing on the importance of our successes rather than on the tragedies. A risk that social work has is that we make ours other people's crises, sadness, losses and so on, this is why focusing on achievements is so important.
    • Reagan:
      Something that has worked very well for me has been compartmentalising my memories and striving to put those that sadden or distress me in their place, out of my present everyday existence. This has helped me not just with coping and being able to move forward, but also to give those memories their fair attention, as funnily enough, they remain dear to me. I hope this helps.
    • Alexandra:
      Thank you for your advice. It's all very commonsensical when you look at it, isn't it? I'll surely manage, it's just that it can get a bit overwhelming at first.
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  • My dream job If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
    • Emily:
      My ideal job would be to be in advocacy
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  • Social Worker: They provided me the oportunity to search the variety of Social Work jobs. Action for Children - Cornwall