Assistant Psychologist job description

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Assistant psychologists typically work in health-care settings, assisting clinical psychologists to enhance the psychological health of service users. The work involves applying methods and conducting tests to assess a patient’s needs, devising treatment programmes and delivery therapy, monitoring a patient’s progress and carrying out research
Assistant psychologists must be prepared to work with people experiencing a wide range of psychological conditions, including depression, anxiety, social problems, addiction and challenging behaviour. Suitable candidates for the role are observant, analytical individuals with a caring attitude and a desire to improve the lives of others. They must possess excellent communication skills and have the ability to convey sensitive information to clients, clients’ families and colleagues
This highly competitive field normally requires a degree in psychology, along with an understanding and previous experience of people with mental health issues. Those intending to train as clinical psychologists often start off at assistant level in order to gain experience. Salaries are in the region of £17,000 to £23,000.


Psychologists offer a very sensitive and needed service. Their responsibility involves meeting, counselling, assessing and monitoring clients. They often have Assistant psychologists who help in the same functions. They are required to have extensive knowledge of their field and able to use various assessment tools.
They may work in hospitals, treatment centres, rehabilitation centres, doctor’s offices, schools or psychologists offices. They receive good remuneration and benefits. As the name suggests, these professionals aide trained and experienced Psychologists in their daily activities and client work. They must adhere to specific industry requirements and codes of conduct.
An Assistant Psychologist usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Conducting research
• Treating behavioural issues
• Performing assessments
• Monitoring treatment
• Using psychometric tests
• Keeping statistical records


• Being assertive and efficient
• Being empathetic and patient
• Being motivated and caring
• Being receptive of new ideas
• Being respectful and intelligent
• Communication and listening
• Interacting with people
• Observation and planning
• Organisation and time management
• Perceptive and professional
• Understanding subtle behavioural cues


The field of Psychology is quite extensive. Assistant Psychologists should have qualifications specific to their area. Typically this is a Bachelors or higher certification job. The necessary professional and counselling skills need to be learnt. Psychology is a very popular subject; therefore there are many schools that offer it.
Areas of study may include
•    Behavioural Psychology
•    Counselling Psychology
•    General Psychology
•    Organisational Psychology
•    Sports Psychology
•    Child and Adolescent Psychology

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