Hays Recruitment
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Hays Recruitment

During the past 12 months Hays Recruitment has published over 63,928 job offers and currently has 3,523 job openings on JobisJob. The top 2 categories where Hays Recruitment tend to post job openings are Education with 23.3% and Finance with 21.1% of all their job offers. The job titles with the most openings from this company in the last 12 months have been Accounts Assistant and Teacher.
A position at Hays Recruitment has an average salary of £41,500. The employment type most offered at Hays Recruitment is Permanent.

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guys seriously, are you expecting to get a decent safe quality finishing blade driver for that money? if we were talking the correct money (19-21 all inclusive of my costs travel lodge etc) you might get non shabby english speaking gps trimming guy to impress your client. Nobody i know works for less than 19. last week i had the unfortunate job of clearing up a atd accident. operator had no exp and paid 12/hr and zero exp....didnt even care after the event. Cost of the accident was around 200£ per hour x5 hrs. You need to pay for what you get. The blade rate is 18+. marshfield may have run out of work but everone else is flat out

Pros: ring me with the right prices

Cons: expect a insurance claim

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