Courier Jobs Forum

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  • Working as a s/e courier 23-Nov-2019

    I'm thinking of leaving my civil service job to be a self employed courier or rather working for a courier firm on a self employed basis).

    Why? I'm sick of office politics, taking work home with me, bullying incompetent egotistical managers and toxic work environments. And I actually love driving (and working alone suits me fine).

    I've seen a few horror stories on courier jobs, and I'm not falling for the multiple hundred pounds headline pay amounts either. However I've seen a couple of jobs that seem more legitimate.

    One example offers pay at £100 to £130 a day with a van hire, including insurance, tax etc at £20 a day (so pay is really 80 to 110 a day if taking this option). They also provide a fuel card and the van can be used for personal use. That seems reasonable to me and I'd be earning roughly the same as I am now. I know there's a lot to learn about being self employed, I don't mind that or the work involved in it as I'm doing it for myself.

    Does anyone have experience of the example I've provided? Any pitfalls or tips much appreciated.

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  • Self employed 03-Nov-2017

    Be thinking about going self employed as a courier for a while now but I'm unsure about the cost of it all . I know about keeping a record of all expenses but it's taking that step . Advise anyone ??

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  • License Last updated by Niall: 13-Oct-2016

    What driver's license is needed to work as a courier? is it a disadvantage not to have a bike's license? thnx

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    • To be a courier driver you do not need any specific formal education. It goes without saying that you must have a valid driver's license and your own a car. If you're aiming at driving trucks with large cargo, you may be required to have a commercial driver's license. Don't forget that whichever modality you go for, you will always have to carry proof of vehicle registration and of insurance.

      13-Oct-2016 Reply to Niall
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  • My dream job Last updated by Toni Massari: 31-Aug-2015

    If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?

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    • My ideal job is WordPress site management, administration and virtual assistant, working from home.

      31-Aug-2015 Reply to Toni Massari
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