Legal Secretary job description

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Entry-level positions in this field primarily involve preparation of documents and correspondence for fee-earners, audio typing, filing, photocopying, administration and diary management. A basic degree of IT skill and good experience with word processing will be required
The more experienced and adept legal secretary will often work for top corporate counsel and other senior legal personnel. In this capacity, a candidate will need to provide a range of support services that includes handling busy calendars and schedules, ensuring conferencing and telephone communications are efficient and timely, drafting presentations, maintaining large volumes of filing and documentation, procurement, billing and many aspects of office operation
Work may require experience with document management systems like CIMAGE, monitoring and directing staff, keeping minutes of meetings, managing online legal, accountancy and tax systems. Long-hand, short-hand, transcription and typing skills will need to be top-notch
Though some entry-level positions in this field offer salaries ranging from £13,000 to £15,000, the median salary is more likely to be £20,000. Many positions pay between £18,000 and £22,000. Candidates with sufficient experience and skill are highly prized and can be rewarded with remuneration ranging from £20,000 to £40,000 plus benefits.


Legal Secretaries are specialists in the secretarial area and are responsible for a wide variety of duties. They work at law firms and do office management and administrative tasks. Legal Secretaries team up with lawyers, solicitors or legal executives in debt recovery and conveyancing areas. They also type legal documents such as contracts, court papers, and wills.

Legal Secretaries usually perform the following tasks:
• Attending police cells with lawyers or solicitors.
• Collecting and delivering important documents.
• Filing clerical work.
• Answering letters, telephone calls, emails, and faxes.
• Keeping cost records.


• Being able to produce accurate work to deadlines.
• Having teamwork abilities.
• Being adaptable and flexible.
• Having competent knowledge about legal practice.
• Having good computer skills.
• Being polite.
• Having excellent interpersonal abilities.
• Having high attention to details.
• Being able to write using good grammar and spelling.
• Having competent organisational skills.


Legal Secretary job placements do not require minimum qualifications, but it is recommended to have GCSEs/S grades (A-C/1-3), including Math and English. Most of training is done by on-the-job experience, working with other experienced people.

Technical certificates at Level 2 and 3 in Business Administration and NVQ’s/SVQ’s Levels 1 to 4 in Business Administration are some of the awards recommended in general administration area for this type of job. Other qualifications are Legal Secretaries Diploma and Legal Secretaries Advanced Diploma offered by The Institute of Legal Secretaries.

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