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  • Advantages of working in a shopping centre Last updated by Luke: 31-Oct-2017

    Does anybody know if working in a shop within a shopping centre you get any discounts for the different shops there? I applied for a job in a shop within a shopping centre, got the interview, and then I was told that there were in fact two openings, one for the shopping centre and one for a shop on a high street. I’m not sure whether the conditions and benefits would be the same in both places and I don’t know what to do. Can somebody advise?

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    • No idea whether you do get special conditions for all the shops there. I was once in one and got discounts in the shop where I worked and also in the one next door. I couldn’t tell why of the discounts in the shop next door.

      31-Oct-2017 Reply to Luke
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  • Silverburn jobs Last updated by Ryan: 24-Oct-2017

    I would like to work in the Silverburn shopping centre. I’ve seen they have a jobs section in their web. Has anybody applied for any jobs through their web? I’m asking because I feel that if I apply directly to one of the shops I stand a better chance as there’ll be less applicants than in I apply through the web of the shopping centre. On the other hand I feel that If I do it through the section in the shopping centre my opportunities are better as my profile may be considered for more posts. Has anybody tried?

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    • Uff. Nope, but given your doubts I would simply apply both ways…

      24-Oct-2017 Reply to Ryan
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  • My dream job Last updated by Millie: 11-Feb-2016

    If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?

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    • I have my SIA and CSCS badges and would prefer a job in security I have my own transport

      11-Feb-2016 Reply to Millie
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