Bricklaying Gangs Jobs Forum
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How do I become a member of a bricklaying gang? Bern Last updated by Ethan: 29-Jun-2018
Looking for work as a bricklayer but having a bit of trouble. On top of it a lot of the jobs I find require a gang. I’ve never been part of one, I’ve just over 9 months experience and I don’t know what I should do to become a member of one. Could somebody give me some advice, please?
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Gangs are not a question of membership, you cannot register to become one. Basically the idea is that when you’ve worked on repeated occasions with the same group of people you can ‘call’ yourselves a gang. This is so as to facilitate the hiring process for the hiring company. They don’t need to go through an X number of bricklayers and their single applications, but rather they deal with one group application.
29-Jun-2018 Reply to Ryan-
I’m in the same situation and what has worked well for me on a couple of occasions has been to go to the actual site where I know they’re looking for a gang and try and see if they need more people than there are in the gang and try and get in like that. Now I’m in with two gangs, with one I’ve done 1 job and with the other a couple of them already. Good luck.
29-Jun-2018 Reply to Ethan
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