Clinical Support Worker Jobs Forum

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  • Offered NHS job as clinical Support Worker and pregnant - not yet told them - when is the time? 13-Feb-2018

    I have just been offered a job as a clinical support worker in a renal dialysis unit - I obviously did not tell them in my interview that I was pregnant and didn't want to mention it on the phone when the job was offered. I am 11 weeks.. I was hoping to keep it quiet incase it effects the job offer, I know this would be discrimination but it happens, indirectly and discreetly or sugar coated... I was hoping to get the references and DBS cleared and be given a start date then tell them after I've actually started so I have some protection. BUT I have to have a occupational health clearance before I start and the offer is subject to passing this aswel as the usual satisfactory references and DBS clearance, I am worried I will have to tell them about the pregnancy and then the offer be taken away. Any advice?

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  • what does an nhs clinical support worker earn? Last updated by Kylie: 08-Nov-2017

    How much should I expect the nhs to pay me if I’m a clinical support worker?

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    • From what I know you should expect something in the region of 17 to 20k per year

      08-Nov-2017 Reply to Kylie
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  • clinical support worker apprenticeship nhs Last updated by Joe: 03-Nov-2017

    I’d like to get an apprenticeship with the nhs as clinical support worker. Can you get it if you have no specific training towards it? I have experience working as a volunteer worker. In my local area there's a group of people, mostly related to the health sector that have organised a support group that visits people with scarce or no economic resources. I've learnt a lot with them and I've discovered my passion.

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    • Yes, as far as I know it is possible, especially if you’ve had experience in the field. You should contact your local nhs trust to know the exact details as they vary from trust to trust.

      03-Nov-2017 Reply to Joe
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  • Clinical support worker training requirements Last updated by Daniel: 31-Oct-2017

    Do I need to have a college course in order to become a clinical support worker?

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    • If you have a course like a Diploma in Applied Science, you definitely have better chances to find work. But in fact strictly speaking all you need is a decent standard of education, for example GCSEs in English, maths and science. You can actually also get in through an apprenticeship. A different matter is whether you’ll get the job when competing with someone who’s got specific training for it.

      26-Oct-2017 Reply to Alex
      • You can also get in through an apprenticeship. Schemes include training as well as hands on practice. I got in this way and it worked very well for me. I’m looking for work now, because the place I occupied was a temporary one, but other than that, perfect.

        31-Oct-2017 Reply to Pam
        • Thanks folks! Your feedback is soo encouraging. I’ve done my bit as volunteer personnel a couple of summers, I hope this helps me too!

          31-Oct-2017 Reply to Daniel
    • I qualified as SEN in the 1970s. I havent nursed since the late 80s. Im 56 now. Am i too old to pursue a course in clinical support work. Im not registered.

      31-Oct-2017 Reply to Dahlia55
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