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part time work Josie Last updated by Tamara Simic: 20-Oct-2018
Should be a section just for part time work.And all employers should be made to put their hourly rate.
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Geena B.:
Hi Josie. If you make a search for part time and indicate the sector you’re looking for the offers come up. In my searches I always indicate part time and either care or healthcare and the offers that the search returns are faithful to my request. At times I’ve looked for part time in teaching, or simply part time, and it has also worked well. I hope this helps. Best
28-Sep-2017 Reply to Geena B. -
Tamara Simic:
A medical assistant works a normal business day.
20-Oct-2018 Reply to Tamara Simic
Most medical facilities will be open Monday through Friday; however, some may open during evening hours and on weekends and holidays.
But, the working hours for a medical assistant will depend largely upon the facility in which they work.
Medical assistants play a very important role in healthcare.
This career covers a wide variety of duties ranging from clinical to clerical.
When it comes to selecting a place to work, medical assistants also have a wide selection.
They can make their own choice because medical assistants are needed in all healthcare facilities.
The medical assistant sees healthcare from every angle as they work with doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and patients.
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