Department Manager job description

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Department managers are responsible for all the functions of a sales department. They oversee the staff and implement strategies to increase productivity. These managers also conduct training and seminars to motivate and build the skills of their team members. Managers continually assess their employee productivity levels and help them to achieve their sales goals.
It is their jobs to produce methods that will benefit the department and by extension the business. They support business efforts and implement company changes. These managers must maintain quality customer service in their departments by training staff on sales pitches, how to cold call, and stress management techniques, such as how to cope with disgruntled callers. Their main goal is to have higher sales each month and generate new business opportunities.
Functions of a Department Manager may include:
•  Enforce quality customer service
•  Mentor and train employees
•  Provide a comfortable working environment
•  Implement business strategies to increase sales
•  Maintain and improve company standards
•  Prepare staff for job transition and succession
•  Manage the execution of product promotions
•  Keep staff motivated
•  Recruit, interview, hire, coach, assess and fire employees
•  Exceed sales and customer satisfaction objectives


• Be self motivated
• Be trustworthy and dependable
• Be good team player
• Have solid managerial skills
• Be customer and quality oriented
• Be able to manage time, plans, projects and people effectively
• Have good training skills
• Be aware of the industry developments and the business competitors
• Have good IT skills
• Be able to communicate efficiently with employees and clients
• Have prior managerial experience


Department managers should possess a bachelors degree. Having an MBA is also very valuable.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for department manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for department manager.

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