Full Time Jobs Forum
This Forum has been created for sharing knowledge, experiences and opinions between users and for professional growth.
agency work exploitation Stephen 20-Sep-2017
how can agencys get away with lying and ripping employees off ie theres 2 weeks work and its a certain role and is nothing like what is presented to you
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Type of work contract Jobisjob Last updated by Nina: 21-Sep-2016
What should I take into consideration when choosing the type of job contract for me? (full/part time, etc...)
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Night care worker
06-Jan-2016 Reply to Summer -
Suresh Bohara:
I want job in bartendar
01-Sep-2016 Reply to suresh bohara -
Of course that will depend on your situation. I personally always check aspects related to number of hours / week, whether it includes weekends (I'm not available at weekends and indicate so at interviews) and of course the duration and pay.
21-Sep-2016 Reply to Nina
I hope this helps
Can I take my daughter to the nursery where I work? Elizabeth 18-May-2016
HI, I’m a children educator who actually works full time as mom. Could I take my daughter to the same nursery where I work? Is it allowed?
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My dream job Jobisjob Last updated by Lewis: 27-Apr-2016
If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?
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My ideal job is a Desktop Computer Repair and Maintenance Technician.
14-Apr-2016 Reply to Matthew -
My ideal job is trainee counsellor
16-Apr-2016 Reply to Alex -
My ideal job is interpreter for polish and russian people
16-Apr-2016 Reply to bozena -
Hi my dream job will be to work in the shop with clouse or any think with fhasion .....
18-Apr-2016 Reply to Nikolas -
My ideal job is zoo keeper
27-Apr-2016 Reply to Lewis
How to get a workday reduce Ruby 27-Apr-2016
I work all day in a well paid company but I need to rest. How can I do to get a workday reduced?
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My career goals Jobisjob Last updated by Thomas: 05-Sep-2015
What are some career goals you’ve set this year that you want to achieve?
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What I would like to achieve in 2016: I'd like to get a full time job in something I like doing, that pays well and also that lasts longer than 6 months
05-Sep-2015 Reply to Thomas
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