Electrical Maintenance Engineer job description

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Electrical Maintenance Engineers have the responsibility of providing support, and fixing machines. They may work in manufacturing, or processing environments. These professionals are paid good salaries, however they may be expected to work on shift systems, as their business may be open twenty four hours a day.

An Electrical Maintenance Engineer usually performs many of the following tasks:

•  Training production teams
•  Repairing machinery and equipment
•  Maintaining manufacturing processes
•  Improving systems
•  Providing support and recommendations
•  Adhering to health and safety regulations
•  Liaising with different departments
•  Proving prompt and valuable service


• Communicating proficiently
• Being proactive and responsible
• Being professional and adaptable
• Managing resources
• Resolving problems
• Making good decisions
• Training and development
• Understanding health and safety requirements
• Being literate and educated
• Being innovative and decisive
• Working with teams and on own initiative
• Project management
• Time management


To pursue a career in Electrical Maintenance requires focused studies. Luckily, many institutions provide excellent training opportunities for those who are interested in this career. City & Guilds is one such, with courses in Electrical Installation, Engineering, and Inspection and Testing. After completing them, students then continue to do their exams and get certified. They can also complete other exams, including the ONC, NVQ, SVQ, IEE, and IOSHH/NEBOSH.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for electrical maintenance engineer.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for electrical maintenance engineer.

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Job Types According to our data, in percentages, these are the top job types available for electrical maintenance engineer.

Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for electrical maintenance engineer.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for electrical maintenance engineer.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for electrical maintenance engineer.

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