Handyman job description

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Individuals that are skilled in numerous areas of craftsmanship, a job title commonly referred to as a handyman, are continuously in demand nearly anywhere in the world. These skilled workers perform a wide variety of odd jobs at residential properties and businesses, both indoor and outdoors.
Day-to-day tasks can vary greatly though often include things like general maintenance, painting, equipment and vehicle repairs, gardening duties and some general upkeep activities like clearing debris and mowing lawns. Typically, a handyman must be on call to respond to emergency issues like power failures, broken plumbing and the like.
The average salary per annum for those working in this position is £21,000, extending up to £27,000 at the higher end of the spectrum and down to £17,000 at the lower end. These individuals should be able to work unsupervised and in a timely fashion. Skills required for the position can be obtained via technical coursework, vocational school or an apprenticeship.


An individual who does repairs, property maintenance, renovations and other odd jobs is known as a Handyman. He may work on private properties like homes, condos and other rental units; or even with companies. His responsibility may encompass some plumbing, electrical, carpentry, security, gardening or hauling. As the location varies, so does the salary and benefits. Some Handymen live at the properties they take care of while others do not.
A Handyman usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Clearing common areas
• Fixing any safety hazards
• Putting together furniture and other equipment
• Installing appliances and machinery
• Doing minor plumbing and carpentry
• Liaising with contractors and other workers


• Adhering to security guidelines
• Being able to handle customer complaints
• Being able to resolve problems efficiently
• Being discrete and flexible
• Being focused and self motivated
• Being self reliant and responsible
• Interacting with people and working cohesively with them
• Physically capable of moving equipment
• Plumbing, carpentry, and electrical
• Supervision and customer service
• Time management and organisation


While there is no pre-requisite to becoming a Handyman, employers are more likely to extend employment if their workers have at least a high school education, as well as being able to read, write and following instructions. Handymen can prepare themselves for their jobs by pursuing courses in health and Safety. Some good qualifications to have, include City and Guilds, and NVQ. They should also have a CSCS card.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for handyman.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for handyman.

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Job Types According to our data, in percentages, these are the top job types available for handyman.

Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for handyman.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for handyman.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for handyman.

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