Retail Store Manager job description

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A retail store manager oversees the productivity of a retail store and manages the day-to-day operations of the business. Duties include interacting with other staff members in order to improve productivity. They are also responsible for the hiring and dismissal of staff as well as establishing good communication between different departments.
Key accountabilities include training managerial staff and ensuring that store policies are upheld. They are involved in problem solving and the reviewing the operations of the store in order to find solutions to problems and to optimise efficiency. The store manager is required to maintain excellent customer service and to oversee the layout of the store
Suitable applicants will have experience in the retail industry and be capable of working under pressure in a fast-paced environment. They must have good leaderships skills and by able to communicate effectively in order to motivate a team. A diploma in retail management may be requested, but often sufficient retail experience is enough to secure a management post. Salaries are in the range of £22,000 to £26,000 per year.


Retail Store Managers handle the daily responsibilities that come with managing a store. They may work in salons, boutiques, large retail stores, or supermarkets. They are in charge of everything from managing the staff, delegating tasks to dealing with customer complaints and maintain a professional and comfortable working environment.
A Retail Store Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Motivating workers
• Coaching staff members
• Implementing strategies to increase sales
• Managing daily store activities
•  Auditing store standards
• Conducting performance evaluations


• Being able to communicate effectively
• Being able to relate to people from different cultures
• Being able to persuade people
• Being confident and focused
• Being knowledgeable about retail and sales issues
• Being able to use technology
• Being flexible
• Being able to resolve problems
• Being able to manage people
• Being able to lead teams
• Being a quick learner
• Being able to prioritise tasks
• Being able to delegate responsibilities


Retail Store Manager may have a number of different qualifications. These may include:
•    BSc in Work-based Retail Management
•    A levels/H grades
•    Accredited Prior Learning (APL)
•    NVQs/SVQs
•    Foundation and Advanced Modern Apprenticeships (MAPPs)
Some retail professionals pursue Bachelors or Masters Degrees in Business Administration, Retail Management, Marketing, Business Studies, or Fashion Management.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for retail store manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for retail store manager.

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