Part Time Retail Jobs Forum
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Part time retail Barry Last updated by Silvia: 26-Jan-2017
I'm in my last year at uni and would like to find a part time job in retail but it looks complicated outside of seasonal times like Christmas or sales, any advice on where to start?
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I am in fact in the same situation and I was thinking about teaming up with someone else to try and apply for a job and cover the full time post between the two. I don't know if this will be of interest for employers though in terms of taxing and stuff. Another option I've been considering and that will probably be my final decision is to look for a weekend job, maybe in Heathrow or in a big shop in town, that might be an option. good luck with your search.
26-Jan-2017 Reply to Silvia
Type of work contract Jobisjob Last updated by Harry Herbert: 22-Mar-2016
What should I take into consideration when choosing the type of job contract for me? (full/part time, etc...)
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Harry Herbert:
I am a school leaver and currently What would suit me would be a part-time employment on Canvey Island or nearby. If the role is flexible I maybe able to continue working part-time around by studies.
22-Mar-2016 Reply to Harry Herbert
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