Part Time Tesco Jobs Forum

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  • Working at 15 Last updated by Mia: 28-Mar-2017

    I’m 15, can I get a part time job in a shop?

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    • Yes, you can legally work part time from the age of 13, except in places like tv o modelling, as far as I know.

      28-Mar-2017 Reply to Mia
      • thanks mia. Are you 15 too?

        28-Mar-2017 Reply to Lucy
        • I’m 17 soon turning 18, but have been working part time for several years now and it’s a great way to earn a bit of cash and have some economic independence.

          28-Mar-2017 Reply to Mia
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  • Hi Last updated by Nickie: 15-Mar-2017

    My name is florentina rizea I am looking for job partime thankfully

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    • Hi my name is Nichola I am registered disabled I currently work for Asda I live in Thornbury I am looking too work in Tesco in Thornbury near too wear I live

      15-Mar-2017 Reply to Nickie
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  • customer service Last updated by Mobarok Ali: 30-Dec-2016

    my name is Nigel Sparsholtt i had to go to north road near caledomian road i had to sit a test for customer care so i passed and now ive got customer care certificate i also ive got an NVQ and a certificate 5, i c t, certificate and literacy and numeracy certificate with thanks
    sincerely yours
    Nigel Sparsholtt.

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    • I live in Chelmsford. I am searching work for area. Part time. I am new. Can you give me any chance for work in Tesco shop please. ...!!

      30-Dec-2016 Reply to Mobarok Ali
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  • My dream job Last updated by Jenny Winstone: 30-Nov-2015

    If you could choose a dream job whether it be in your current field or something else what would it be?

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    • A part time job in administration or accounts. I have worked as a book-keeper for many years and have a lot of experience in all aspects, and want a part time job in the daytime

      30-Nov-2015 Reply to Jenny Winstone
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