Nursing Home Manager job description

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As the UK population lives longer and longer, increasing numbers of families are looking for nursing homes to take care of their elderly relatives. One of the first members of staff that families meet is the nursing home manager. As well as meeting with families, these individuals also deal with other healthcare professionals and CQC inspectors
One of the most important responsibilities of this position is to make sure that all health and safety regulations are met. In addition, the nursing home manager should ensure that patients are comfortable and well-looked after.
Leadership is another key quality required by the position. Managers will need to hire and train staff, as well as manage the nursing teams in the home. They will also need to carry out handover meetings on a daily basis
Most people enter the profession after a period of time working as a nurse and nursing qualifications are essential. In addition, other qualifications in administration or management are most helpful. Salaries are competitive and tend to be in the range of £30,000 to £40,000 depending on experience.


Managing the day to day duties and administrative functions of a nursing home is the responsibility of a Nursing Home Manager. These professionals will meet with family members who want to have their family members cared for in the facility. They work with doctors, hospital administrators and even CQC inspectors. Their overall job is making sure every aspect of running a home is done not only professionally but in keeping with health and safety regulations and that patients are comfortable and well taken care of.
A Nursing Home Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Conducting daily handover meetings
• Managing work teams and nurses
• Enforcing health and safety regulations
•  Hiring staff
• Assessing patient care systems
•  Ordering supplies and equipment for the home
• Orientating staff
•  Meeting with patient families and friends


• Leadership and supervision
• Patient care and management
• Being analytical
• Problem solving
• Being assertive and respectful
• Communication and listening
• Stress management
• Professionalism
• Being self motivated
• Being efficient and thorough
• Being patient and compassionate
• Being multilingual


To work as a Nursing Home Manager you are required to have your Nursing qualifications. Administrative and Management qualifications are also necessary and will help in performing your responsibilities effectively.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for nursing home manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for nursing home manager.

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