Supply Teacher job description

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Supply Teachers are substitute teachers. They fill the teaching role whenever there is a gap. They fill in for teachers who might be on sabbatical, sick or on maternity leave. They handle the same day to day responsibilities as full time teachers; therefore they require the same qualifications.
They teach lessons, watch over kids during break time, assess student performance, handle after school duties as well as attend meetings with staff and parents. They are expected to set a proper example at all times for children and adult students alike.
A Supply Teacher usually performs many of the following tasks:
•  Supervising classroom readiness
•  Teaching students
•  Maintaining discipline in the classroom
•  Implementing disciplinary measures
•  Monitoring student progress
•  Using teaching materials
•  Preparing reports


• Classroom management
• Lesson planning
• Being innovative and resourceful
• Teaching methodologies
• Behaviour management
• Communication and presentation of ideas
• Time management
• Organisation and administration
• Being flexible and approachable
• Being loyal and trustworthy


Teaching is a wonderful profession and offers the opportunity to work anywhere. Some persons may work in other professions and switch over to teaching occasionally. Others may do this as a part time venture. Supply Teachers are required to have teaching qualifications and meet several requirements. These requirements and qualifications include having Qualified Teacher Status (QTS), a Bachelor of Education, GTC registration, and passing a security check.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for supply teacher.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for supply teacher.

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