Office Admin job description

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Office Administrators oversee the day-to-day functions concerning an office or business. They may manage administrative staff such as secretaries, assistants and office clerks. Depending on the size or type of business, their functions may include human resources and accounting responsibilities.
Administrators may manage budgets, order supplies, liaise with service providers, cut expenditure or see to the upkeep of company property. They also handle interviews, employee performance evaluations, mediating and mentoring. Office Administrators perform many ad hoc office tasks as they go about ensuring the company runs smoothly.
An Office Administrator usually performs any of the following tasks:
• Working with databases
• Keeping appointments with clients
• Taking calls
• Working with security organisations
• Managing inventory
• Coordinating with other departments
• Working with invoices and receipts
• Minimising office expenditure
• Getting maintenance done on office equipment and machinery
• Managing holiday, sickness, attendance and absence records
• Enforcing office protocols
• Negotiating with suppliers and service providers


• First rate listening, grammar, numeracy, comprehension, presentation and communication skills
• Gathering and sorting data
• Utilising computer applications
• Preparing budgets, business documents and reports
• Being congenial
• Keeping records
• Being confidential
• Being professional and punctual
• Following and executing company policies and objectives
• Being reasonable and dependable


Office Administrators should possess at least a Bachelor's Degree. There degree may be in any of the following areas: Management, Office Administration, Business Administration, Operations Management, or Commerce. Administrators have many options for promotion, depending on their speciality. Some of those positions include being a Senior Manager, General Manager, or Operations Manager.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for office admin.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for office admin.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for office admin.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for office admin.

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