Financial Advisor job description

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A professional financial advisor, who can offer expert advice on suitable mortgages, loans, investments, insurance, tax and private pensions, provides a valuable service to clients and companies in the UK.
The principal functions of a financial advisor are to provide customers with accurate information and bespoke deals that will enable them to make an educated choice that suits their specific requirements. Job incumbents need to maintain transparent financial and contract details and liaise with service providers.
A background in the trade or a related industry as well as FSA certification in financial planning are mandatory for candidates. Job holders need to be self-motivated and numeric, and have good communication and organisational skills. Familiarity with data input and Microsoft packages is preferred.
Cities such as Bristol, Manchester and London are the best place to look for such a position, but there are vacancies in most regions of the UK for capable individuals. Salaries for IFAs and those with wide experience are between £30,000 and £70,000 per year.


Understanding fiscal issues and providing guidance to clients are some of the many tasks of a Financial Advisor. A Consultant may research, analyse, forecast, sell financial products, develop strategies, prepare reports and perform many other fiscal related activities. Having certifications or being a part of professional associations is helpful to their career, like being a member of the Society for Financial Advisors (MSFA) or having a Certificate in Financial Planning (CFP).
Professionals who have many years of service in the financial industry or an excellent record of accomplishment are more successful in this position. Clients will be quick to trust their expert advice based on those facts. Consultants with their own businesses work long, demanding hours to thrive in their jobs. They earn excellent salaries working with companies. One who sells many fiscal products earns even greater compensation.
A Financial Advisor usually performs any of the following tasks:
•  Performing in-depth analysis
• Meeting client requirements
• Developing fiscal measures
• Advising clients
•  Researching information related to financial products
•  Selling financial products
• Negotiating sales targets
•  Communicating with financial services providers
•  Following market trends
•  Reporting on fiscal matters


• Understanding complex information
• Analysing financial data
• Team building
• Collaboration
• Consistency
• Proficiency
• Professionalism
• Adaptability
• Research and analysis
• Client confidentiality
• Listening and communication
• Record keeping
• Using electronic and technological equipment and applications
• Being trustworthy


A Financial Advisor should have no less than a Bachelor's Degree in Finance. Degrees in Economics, Statistics, Accounting or Mathematics are also acceptable. Other certifications that may be relevant to this position include:
•    FPC 1, 2 and 3
•    CAS
•    QCA Level 4
•    CII Diploma in Financial Planning
•    Advanced Diploma or Associate's Degree
•    ACA/ ACCA
•    MBA
•    Post-graduate Degrees

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for financial advisor.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for financial advisor.

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Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for financial advisor.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for financial advisor.

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