Policy job description

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This broad field of work, which concerns itself with the guiding rules and principles of government and private sector organisations, offers a number of advisory roles. Responsibilities of a policy advisor, officer or consultant vary according to the type of company or organisation worked for but may include developing policy, disseminating information to member organisations and providing regular updates
These positions require analytical and well-organised individuals with good research skills. As communication plays such an important part in the work, having excellent written and verbal skills is an essential requirement. Salaries are generally between £35,000 and £40,000 per annum, with higher rates offered in the London region
A large number of policy-related positions can be found in the insurance industry. Developers, who typically earn average salaries of £40,000 a year, tend to be employed by underwriting firms and are responsible for evaluating competitors’ product coverage as well as identifying key areas of product improvement. Applicants for this position normally need to be educated to at least A level standard and have previous knowledge of the insurance industry.


Policy Officers are required to do effective management of a council. They implement, review, develop, and put to practice policies and strategies for their area. Policy officers work with senior officers, elected members, and chief executives on specific projects. They support policy managers to build relationships with other corporate or regional teams, opinion informers and central government.

Policy Officers usually perform many of the following tasks:
• Researching corporate impact of new legislation.
• Working with a team in the system development.
• Conducting investigations into the council.
• Facilitating corporate strategy.
• Creating policies.


• Being a good negotiator
• Being a leader.
• Having decision making abilities.
• Having teamwork skills.
• Having analytical thinking.
• Having competent math skills.
• Being able to understand financial concepts.
• Having interpersonal skills.
• Being able to work under pressure.
• Being motivated.


There are no specific requirements to be a Policy Officer, but it is recommended to have a level qualification or a degree. Economic Research, Public Administration, and Social Work are good choices of degrees for this area. Sometimes it is required to have GCSE with grades from A to C in English and Math.

Most cases also require experience of policy work in housing or business areas. A social science subject is also a recommendation for some job placements.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for policy.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for policy.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for policy.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for policy.