Test Analyst job description

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Typically working within a test team but sometimes required to take sole responsibility for all aspects of testing, the test analyst will be required to work with development teams, project managers, end users and other groups to ensure some or all criteria of testing are fulfilled
The nature of this work generally demands a reasonable level of proficiency in the engineering aspects of software, as the role may involve gathering of requirements, generation of test scripts and test plans, integration with software components and feedback to both the test process and the other teams. The ability to maintain rigorous compliance with project deliverables and industry standards is a prized asset
Testing can vary from ensuring individual components meet project requirements to ensuring overall compliance with project and industry definitions and UAT. Knowledge of and experience with tools such Salesforce CRM, SAP, JIRA and similar will often be prerequisites, as will the ability to write test cases and experience in Agile development and standards like ISO 9000
Regional positions typically offer salaries of £20,000 - £30,000. London-based positions pay £35,000 - £45,000. Project-based work generally pays £150 - £400 per day, with contracts running from three months to a year.


Working in a testing environment, assessing products, checking for quality and accuracy, or creating tests scripts is the responsibility of a Test Analyst. These professionals provide their services to companies in the software development, engineering, processing, development, manufacturing, mechanical and airplane industries.

A Test Analyst usually performs many of the following tasks:

•  Preparing and maintaining test plans
•  Providing feedback to the development teams
•  Scheduling projects
•  Conducting risk assessments
•  Doing continuous testing and upgrades
• Providing budget forecasts
• Liaising with suppliers, teams and team leaders
• Preparing test scripts
•  Creating new test strategies


• Understanding structured test methods and processes
• Manual and Automated Testing
• Being analytical and effective
• Resolving problems in a timely manner
• Paying attention to details
• Managing time and people
• Teamwork
• Preparing concise documentation
• Information technology
• Being articulate and communicating effectively
• Stress management
• Planning and prioritizing projects


ISEB and ISTQB are a few certifications that can be attained by Test Analysts; they can also pursue other technical qualifications such as Bachelors or Masters Degrees. Primarily, Test Analysts are trained in engineering or science related fields. Areas of study may include Network Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Engineering, Statistics, Management Information Systems, and Quality Assurance.

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