Software Developer job description

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The software developer is one of the primary architects of the virtual world that has become a significant aspect of the modern lifestyle. These skilled IT professionals are responsible for interpreting software design concepts and requirements and translating them into usable applications
Day-to-day tasks for a software developer typically circulate through the development process, which spans tasks from creating software blueprints to programming and eventually to the final stage comprised primarily of testing and modification
These professionals must have strong analytical and problem solving skills. Many employers only consider applicants with a university degree in information technology, computer science or a related discipline. Special post-graduate courses and certifications for specific languages can help jobseekers find desirable and well-paid positions
This position fetches an average salary of £35,000 per annum in the United Kingdom, and posts in the capital are typically about 10% to 15% higher than elsewhere in Britain. Junior developers may start with salaries close to £20,000 per year and senior positions can fetch in excess of £60,000.


Software developers maintain and implement applications on systems and networks. They follow the instructions given by clients to deliver quality programmes to meet those users’ needs. Developers are versed in programming languages are flexible enough to integrate systems. Developers work in many industries. They may include engineering, banking, technology, motor vehicle development, appliance manufacturing and education.
Developers work normal office hours and on shifts if required. They receive good salaries and benefits. Some developers work part time, or as contractors. While on the other hand, others may work with consultancy agencies and come into companies to collaborate on projects. Travelling is sometimes apart of the requirements for a software developer, especially if they have to meet with clients or attend events.
Functions of a Software Developer may include:
• Learn about new programming languages
• Prepare and conduct presentations
• Test applications for quality assurance purposes
• Train entry level employees
• Understand technical discussions and direction
• Work with teams and managers
• Follow protocols and procedures
• Complete daily organisational functions
• Deliver completed programmes


• Have superior IT skills
• Communicate effectively
• Be able to furnish documentation, reports and design plans
• Have the skills to work in team settings
• Be goal oriented
• Have enthusiasm
• Have good interpersonal skills and be able to get along with co-workers
• Continue to learn about industry trends and developments
• Have flexibility dealing with work assignments
• Have technical knowledge of computer hardware, and applications
• Be efficient and professional
• Be dependable
• Have sound analytical thinking
• Be able to meet project deadlines


Having a first degree gives professionals a chance at appealing to employers. They expect their Software Developers to be highly skilled and knowledgeable about software development. Qualifications can comprise areas in mathematics, science or engineering. To assist in the development of their employees and their productivity some employers have workshops and training sessions.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for software developer.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for software developer.