Account Director job description

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An account director must have excellent communication and problem-solving skills and be able to devise and implement strategies to benefit both their company and their client. They have responsibility for the management of company accounts, along with the planning and direction of any marketing campaigns. They take overall charge of the client account and play an essential team-leading role, delegating projects and monitoring workflow.
Often the main point of contact for customers, they have the job of establishing and building client relationships and must work at gaining a thorough understanding of the client’s business and the market it operates in. Additional duties require advising senior management on the progress of accounts, monitoring budgets and profits, and ensuring team members receive the training and resources they need to effectively carry out their work
They must have a working knowledge of markets, as well as the ability to manage budgets. Employers usually require at least a Bachelors degree, although an MBA would be preferred. Previous experience in a managing or team-leading role is also a usual requirement. Minimum salaries are around £24,000, while average rates are between £44,000 and £46,000.


Account Directors directly manage an accounts department and the accounting activities within a company. They often meet with clients and service providers, discussing budgets, pricing and contracts. These directors are highly capable in understanding numeric and accounting data.
An Account Director usually performs many of the following tasks:
•  Implementing Personal Development Schemes
•  Driving new business opportunities
•  Maximising client business opportunities
• Leading designated account teams
•  Developing client communication programmes
•  Managing budgets
•  Attending meetings
• Rejecting or approving budgets


• Communication
• Networking
• Mentoring and team leading
• Managing stress
• Client management
• Project management
• Being positive and self-confident
• Being participative
• Bing friendly
• Being competitive
• Being inquisitive
• Being consistent and self-disciplined


Account Directors are expected to have the highest level of qualification. They must have comprehensive accounting, or financial knowledge and expertise. Having a Post Graduate or Masters Degree is a great advantage. Candidates should have a good record of accomplishments and many years of experience. Their studies should be in Accounts, Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics, Management, Business Administration or Marketing.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for account director.

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Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for account director.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for account director.