Electrical Designer job description

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Essential to the functioning of any facility is the electrical designer, who utilises his/her expertise to create an electrical system and support electrical engineers with project start-up and implementation.
A person in this position will need to be able to produce wiring diagrams for installers and electricians, assist engineers with initial design requirements and conceptualise plans and details to accurately convey fabrication requirements. Other responsibilities may include checking drawings produced by personnel as well as coordinating and analysing vendors’ drawings and incorporating them into project drawings.
Applicants should have a good knowledge of hazardous area electrical systems and should be proficient in AutoCAD, Microstation, Microsoft Word, and Excel. They should also demonstrate a thorough understanding of drafting and design practices and theories and have excellent communication skills. This person may be expected to lift heavy objects (up to 25 lbs), climb stairs, and sit for extended periods of time. The average salary for this position is between £32,500 and £47,500 per annum.


An Electrical Designer handles concept development and enhancements made to a system; which include control, electrical and electronic systems. They may work by themselves or as a part of a team. These professionals are required to be highly technical, thorough and efficient.
They must be able to analyse pre-existing systems and make them work at a more optimum level. Electrical Designers receive good salaries, work five days of the week and overtime when required and receive very good benefits. Sometimes they may be required to visit other locations outside of the office.
An Electrical Designer usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Going over supplier plans and drawings
• Working with routers, and wire looms
• Assisting engineering teams
• Minimising costs on electrical designs
• Acting as a technical specialist
• Developing and evaluating plans


• Being able to handle electrical tools and equipment
• Being computer literate and technical
• Being detail oriented and resolve problems
• Being flexible and courteous
• Being self motivated and professional
• Communication and organisation
• Customer service and efficiency
• Teamwork and supervision
• Time and project management
• Working on own initiative and with a team


Persons who are interested in becoming an Electrical Designer have a variety of courses that they can pursue. These courses can be done at the diploma, associate, bachelor, masters or even post graduate level. They include:
•    Electrical Engineering
•    Electronics

Some students begin their studies even in high school and get certification through GCSE, HNC, HND, or NVQ. Other certifications available to Electrical Designers include IPC CID and CID+. Joining an association is also advised and will help to build a professional network.


Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for electrical designer.

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Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for electrical designer.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for electrical designer.

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