Quality Control Manager job description

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These managers handle the quality control responsibilities of their companies. Quality Control Managers are able to work well with executive staff and the general employee population. They handle reports, budgets and even human resource responsibilities having to do with their department. Quality control involves examining worker performance, and managing training and development efforts.

A Quality Control Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:

• Maintaining records and reports
•  Negotiating problems between staff and upper management
•  Coordinating training measures
•  Evaluating employee performance
•  Managing employee quality control duties
•  Enforcing health and safety regulations
• Coordinating with project management teams
•  Leading team efforts
•  Reviewing the allocation of competent QC


• Team management
• Project management
• Information technology
• Leadership and administration
• Teamwork and planning
• Networking and negotiating
• Analysis and implementation
• Professionalism and report writing
• Understanding statistical, numeric and technical information
• Planning and resource usage
• Customer service and relations
• Multitasking and prioritising


Quality Control Managers are equally competent in their managerial and technical responsibilities. This means that they have covered business, management, and technical courses which allow them to handle the diverse responsibilities of their jobs. Many degree courses include a variety of courses in the human resource, management, science, information technology, language and mathematical areas. Graduates of Masters Degrees programmes are even more likely to get management positions because of this exposure.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for quality control manager.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for quality control manager.

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Job Types According to our data, in percentages, these are the top job types available for quality control manager.

Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for quality control manager.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for quality control manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for quality control manager.

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