Test Engineer job description

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Essential to the IT industry is the test engineer who is responsible for making sure that an automated product is working according to plan.
An individual in this position may perform a range of tasks such as verifying that a product operates according to design or providing technical expertise in product knowledge. He or she may also prepare accurate estimates of test progress and write test procedures and plans. Testing of software during product development and recording the test results are also essential tasks and a degree of technical knowledge of specific products is necessary too.
The applicant should hold a degree in computer science and be proficient in Microsoft or Linux/UNIX systems. Most employers ask for 1-5 years experience in testing computer software, and knowledge of various programming languages and source control systems are a must. Job seekers must demonstrate the ability to analyse technical problems and complete detailed reports. The average salary for this position is about £35,000 per annum.


Testing rigs, prototypes, and equipment is the responsibility of a Test Engineer. These engineers work with the marketing and research teams to detect defects in the products created by the company. They often conduct training with junior personnel. Test Engineers are paid good salaries and benefits.
A Test Engineer usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Maintaining a safe working environment
• Supporting operations
• Training junior staff
• Assisting Test Team Leader
• Liaising with project teams
• Designing prototypes


• Being flexible
• Being thorough
• Being professional
• Being self motivated
• Organisation
• Communication and presentation
• Problem solving
• Testing systems
• Being analytical and technical
• Project management
• Meeting deadlines
• Managing interpersonal relationships
• Teamwork
• Information technology
• Analysing statistics


To become a Test Engineer, students pursue courses in Civil, Construction, or Design Engineering. Employers accept ISEB, HND, HNC, or BTEC certification. Candidates who possess a Bachelors or Masters Degree have a greater chance of working as Test Engineers.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for test engineer.

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