Operations Manager job description

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An operations manager plays a vital role in ensuring that the day-to-day operations of a business run smoothly. They are responsible for ensuring that effective methods are put into place so that the company of employment runs to its maximum productivity.
The main responsibilities of an operations manager include handling the logistics of the organisation, preparing budgets and inventories, and overseeing the supervision of employees. The job holder will be expected to harness a working environment which encourages team work, energy and creativity. To achieve this, they should have strong leadership and excellent problem-solving skills along with good communication skills.
This role requires someone with the ability to think on their feet and make quick decisions with little hesitation. Candidates should ideally be educated to degree level in a relevant field.
The salary for this role can vary from £26,000 to anywhere up to £50,000 per annum depending on the organisation. Some roles include a commission structure which may add in excess of £10,000 to the annual salary for this job.


Managers who work in operations are in charge of the implementation of business measures, new guideline or strategies. They work jointly with other department heads especially senior business managers. Operations managers work to improve the working environment and business processes of a company. They aim to strengthen client relationships and ensure the successful continuance of business operations.
Operations managers perform a number of functions to achieve their objective. They provide feedback, training, and other team development exercises. In customer service, these managers ensure that the staff members they recruit are quality and customer oriented. They work hard to ensure client satisfaction and consistent growth in revenue.
Functions of an Operations manager may include;
•  Conduct office management tasks
•  Ensure safety regulations are adhered to
•  Implement measure to provide motivation for employees
•  Oversee customer service departments and assess that they are meeting customer satisfaction goals
•  Prepare, revise and submit reports, budgets and other documentation
•  Dialogue with clientele about customer service issues or queries
•  Communicate information to the departments filtered for management
•  Perform training sessions
•  Implement quality management and regulatory compliance strategies
•  Review customer reviews and customer related statistics


• Strong organisational skills
• Be able to multitask
• Be able to use computer applications effectively
• Have prior experience in operational management
• Efficiently communicate both verbally and in written form
• Have comprehensive knowledge of quality assurance principles, methods, design, testing and implementation
• Have leadership and supervisory skills
• Have interpersonal skills
• Be able to work with teams
• Be able to coordinate with other departments
• Excellent project, planning, change and time management capabilities
• Be cordial and professional
• Be innovative
• Have good judgement and decision making skills


Operational managers must have both a qualifying degree and a successful working experience in operational management. The bachelors or masters degree should be in operational management or other business related area.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for operations manager.

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