Regional Sales Manager job description

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Regional sales managers must be excellent organisers with first-class interpersonal and selling skills. They have overall responsibility for a particular territory of sales or a number of company stores or branches. They oversee the work undertaken by managers and are in control of the budget for each store or branch.
Typical employers include clothing stores, supermarket chains and car dealerships, and the work may require frequent travel between stores or different locations. Additional key responsibilities include hiring branch managers, providing training to sales teams, monitoring regional revenue and analysing trends
Regional sales managers will usually have at least a Bachelors degree in a related subject, such as marketing, advertising, business or maths, and may have already spent considerable time in sales, possibly starting out as a salesperson and working their way up to branch or store manager. Salaries are in the region of £40,000, but could be as high as £50,000 in Scotland and Northern England.


Regional Sales Managers work to implement the company’s sales plans and strategies. They analyse the business and sales trends nationally and within their region to suggest the best approaches to meet sales targets and gather more clients. They often oversee activities within a particular team.
A Regional Sales Manager usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Maximising growth potential
• Offering product training
• Supporting new products
• Presenting business reports
• Respond to customer requests
• Maintaining records
• Enforcing compliance to industry regulations
• Preparing sales forecasts


• Team management and team leading
• Administration, organisation and planning
• Communication
• Being analytical and understanding numeric data
• Stress management and conflict resolution
• Motivation
• Being computer savvy
• Being professional, reliable and diligent
• Being flexible
• Being positive


Studying courses in Marketing, Management, Business, and Sales will assists job seekers in gaining a Regional Sales Manager position. However, Managers should be highly adept at managing and motivating sales groups, analysing figures and coaching and training team members.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for regional sales manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for regional sales manager.

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