Commercial Manager job description

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Commercial managers oversee company needs, handle daily business issues, manage company associations, and recognize business opportunities. These managers are constantly communicating and negotiating with clients or business associates. They are also continuously working to strategically expand, preserve or improve the company’s procedures, standards or policies while sticking to business edicts and regulatory guidelines.
People who work in commercial management are typically corporate managers or in charge of marketing. These departments handle the client accounts and corporate relationships that fall under a commercial manager’s portfolio. Commercial managers are required to utilise their knowledge of business law to verify, oversee or approve commercial agreements and documentation.
The responsibilities of a Commercial Manager may include:
•  Assisting commercial directors
• Resolving contractual and commercial problems
•  Working with contract managers
•  Discovering areas that are not in keeping with regulation practices
•  Offering direction and instruction
• Reviewing, scrutinizing, and developing operational process flows
• Ensuring that the financial aspects and impact of a contract are clear to all parties
• Risk assessment
• Ensuring that all stakeholders, such as administration, operations, and finance understand and adhere to contractual obligations; reflecting them accurately
•  Managing daily operations


•  Superior management and organisational skills
• Expert negotiating skills
• Prior industry experience
• Comprehensive knowledge about the industry
• Efficient presentation and communication skills
• Focus and thoroughness
• The capacity to be influential and amenable
• Professionalism and cordiality
• Solid industry networks
• Outstanding project management expertise
• The capacity to adequately handle work stress
• The capacity to meet project deadlines
•  Technical knowledge of travel distribution channels
• Decisiveness and mercantile shrewdness
• Solid problem solving, decision making and analytical capabilities


Commercial managers should possess a first degree. Having a higher-level degree is always beneficial. Education in a commercial, financial, marketing or business related field is crucial; providing graduates with the relevant knowledge and skills for the job. Managers must have excellent computer skills as well.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for commercial manager.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for commercial manager.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for commercial manager.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for commercial manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for commercial manager.

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