New Business Manager job description

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New business managers create or garner new business opportunities for a company. They expand the scope, growth, and clientele of a company. Managers develop creative measures to not only increase client portfolio but also maintain current or keep current customers as well. Depending on the industry, these managers perform various tasks or functions.
Their functions include:
i.  Develop, review, and implement new business strategies
ii. Create new business relationships with potential clients
iii. Prepare financial reports, and forecasts
iv. Work with sales and/or marketing departments
v.  Acquire more business acumen through research, and analysis of industry trends and developments
vi. Assist in present new business proposals


1. Have superior negotiating skills
2. Have excellent time, planning and project management skills
3. Be able to flawlessly present and communicate in both written and verbal forms
4. Be resilient, detailed and creative
5. Be able to successfully work on own initiative
6. Be able to handle demands, targets, guidelines, and high stress situations
7. Have excellent networking and business acquisition skills
8. Be consistent, dependable and efficient
9. Have advanced leadership and organizational skills


New business managers must have a first degree, preferable in business related programs. Experience or high performance in sales or marketing is advantageous to being promoted to this position.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for new business manager.

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Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for new business manager.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for new business manager.

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