Sales Advisor job description

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Sales advisors need to be confident communicators with excellent selling skills and the ability to retain the product knowledge they have gained. They typically work in call centres and retail outlets and are responsible for providing product information and advice that could potentially lead to a sale. Work exists in a variety of sectors, from clothing manufacturers to mobile phone companies.
Those working in a retail environment are required to approach customers, offer advice on the displayed products and deal with any resulting transactions. Advisors employed in a call centre may work in either an inbound or outbound call capacity or sometimes both, depending on the employer and the particular office set-up
The personality and attitude of the sales advisor are often more important than any formal qualifications they may have, although some employers require a minimum number of GCSEs or A levels. The sales environment is generally very competitive and it may be necessary to meet certain targets. Salaries, which are often partly commission-based, are between £14,000 and £22,000, depending on individual performance.


Sales Advisors are proficient in completing the sales process. They use their knowledge of products and services to increase sales and meet sales targets. Sales Advisors meet with customers and answer their queries. They may also attend product presentation and training sessions to keep up to date on internal developments.
A Sales Advisor usually performs many of the following tasks:
• Preserving customer service standards
• Handling client enquiries.
• Supporting team members
• Representing the company
• Attending meetings
• Achieving set targets
• Maintaining databases


• Communication
• Negotiating
• Time management
• Networking
• Being reliable
• Administration
• Being confident and enthusiastic
• Being a team player
• Information technology
• Being professional and credible
• Being well organised and flexible


Some Sales Advisors have qualifications in Business Administration, Customer Service Marketing, Communications, Business or Sales. They may possess Bachelors or Masters Degrees in these areas. There are Advisors who have GCSEs and years of industry experience.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for sales advisor.

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Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for sales advisor.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for sales advisor.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for sales advisor.

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