In-house Sales job description

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In-house Sales professionals perform a number of different sales activities. They contact and work with clients, attend sales shows, manage accounts and input data into the client database. Some even represent their company at events, often working as a team with other In-house Sales professionals.
An In-house Sales professional usually performs many of the following tasks:
•  Visiting client locations
• Attending meetings
• Promoting products and services
•  Generating leads
•  Maintaining databases
•  Checking and verifying client information
• Working with sales quotes
•  Assisting Trade shows and exhibitions
•  Processing sales orders


• Sales
• Communication (using the telephone is imperative in this role) and negotiation
• Organisation and planning
• Account management
• Time management
• Being analytical, creative and driven
• Being a team player
• Information technology
• Multitasking


In-house Sales professionals have various qualifications. They may possess Bachelors or Masters Degree in Marketing, Sales, Business or Communications. Some may have lesser qualifications such as GCSE, High School diplomas or Associate Degrees.

Overview According to our data, these are the percent of job offers for in-house sales.

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Companies According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top companies that are hiring for in-house sales.

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Job Types According to our data, in percentages, these are the top job types available for in-house sales.

Categories According to our data, by number of offers, these are the most popular categories for in-house sales.

Cities According to our data, by number of offers, these are the top locations to get hired for in-house sales.

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Salaries According to our data this is the average salary range offered for in-house sales.

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